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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The initial presentation of the paper should only be in a pdf file, generated preferable based on the LaTeX RMF template provided in the guidelines (please do not send files in other formats because they will not be processed).
    In case the article is approved for publication, the final files in LaTeX format will be requested (Word files will no longer be accepted).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Revista Mexicana de Física E publishes articles in English, but occasionally also in Spanish. Submitted manuscripts must contain:
-A title1
-An abstract1
-Name, institution, address and e-mail of the contact author
-Name, institution, address and e-mail of the co-authors, if any2
-One to five keywords
1 Articles in Spanish must include a title and abstract in English
2 It is imperative that you register all co-authors from the beginning, otherwise changes in the list of authors at any stage of the editorial process, will be subjected to the approval of the Editorial Board based on a solid request by the corresponding author.

NOTE: Please avoid writing acronyms in Title and Abstract.

Manuscripts should be organized in numbered sections, with subtitles and references. References must be presented as follows: authors’ name, manuscript title, journal’s name (abbreviated according to international conventions), volume number in bold face, year (within parentheses), first page number, and DOI hyper-link. For books the reference must include: author´s name,  book's name, publisher, place of publication and corresponding pages. Examples:

E. Ley-Koo, Ch. Esparza-López, H. Torres-Bustamante, Exact solutions for electromagnetic fields inside and outside a spherical surface with magnetic/electric dipole distributed sources, Rev. Mex. Fis. E 64 (2018) 139,

D.J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 2nd ed. (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989), pp. 331–334.

References and footnotes should be numbered consecutively.

To submit an article to the Revista Mexicana de Física E, log into the corresponding platform:

Please register as an author and upload your paper, in pdf format, following the instructions.  You must classify your article in one of the corresponding sections: Education in Physics; History of Physics; Philosophy of Physics; Comments.  The manuscript must be submitted with a presentation letter addressed to the Journal's Chief Editor, signed by  the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

The Journal will notify the author upon receipt of the manuscript and a reference number will be assigned which should be used in any further communication. In this manner, you will be able to follow up on line the progress of the editorial process.

By submitting an article to Revista Mexicana de Física E the author(s) agrees that the article has not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted to another journal. In order to check the originality and plagiarism-free content of submitted papers, Revista Mexicana de Física E runs each contribution through a plagiarism-free software.

Articles submitted to the Revista Mexicana de Física E undergo a strict peer review process by specialized, independent, anonymous referees. The final decision on the publication of a paper is the sole responsibility of the Journal Chief Editor.Authors may appeal an editor's decision by sending an appeal letter. The Chief Editor will consider the appeal and in case this is sustained, she/he will seek the opinion of the corresponding section editor and if necesary of a second reviewer.

Papers are evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Originality
  2. A clear separation of hypothesis, methods and conclusions
  3. Clarity of analysis
  4. An adequate number of references
  5. Appropriate length
  6. Information conveyed by legible and understandable wording

Once an article is accepted, authors will be requested for the final files. The list of authors and/or affiliations at this stage is subject to the approval of the Editorial Board based upon a solid request by the corresponding author. Once the article is published, no further changes can be done. Only LaTeX files will be considered since LaTeX speeds up the editing process. For this purpose you can see the RMF template (also available at: In case you use LaTeX without the template we provide, it is recommended to include the \documentclass{article} in the preamble and write the text in a single column. If the paper contains illustrations (figures, drawings, photographs, etc.), these files are required to be sent in bmp or jpg formats with their respective legend and must be numbered consecutively. Tables must also contain their respective legend and be numbered consecutively.

Revista Mexicana de Física E strives to shorten the time elapsed between the receipt and the ruling for papers to be accepted or not. Papers are submitted for peer review within one to two week after receipt and weekly reminders are sent to reviewers within two weeks of the original request.

02 Education in Physics

Education in Physics. Papers reporting original ways to show physical concepts or problems; innovative experiments or experimental setups that can be implemented in laboratories for the purpose of education; computational techniques or simulations oriented to physics education. Papers reporting on educational research and/or curricula in physics are also considered.

03 History of Physics

History of Physics. Original papers reporting research on subjects related to the History of Physics.

04 Philosophy of Physics

Philosophy of Physics. Original papers reporting research on subjects related to the Philosophy of Physics.

05 Letters

Letters. Original research reports in Physics Education (maximum length of four pages)


Comments. Short papers (maximum four pages) that critically address other papers previously published in Revista Mexicana de Física E. A comment should clearly state the paper that it is being addressed.

07 Errata

Errata. Contains notices regarding errors or omissions in papers previously published in Revista Mexicana de Fisica E. An erratum should consist of a statement by the authors of the original paper that briefly describes the correction(s) and, where appropriate, any effects on the conclusions of the paper.

Privacy Statement

Revista Mexicana de Física E will handle an use information solely with the porpuse of spreading scientific research and by no means will share personal information other than de one related to the affilation of published authors.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.