Computational study of forced oscillations in a membrane


  • E. Alvarado-Anell
  • M. Sosa
  • M.A. Moreles


Membrane, forced oscillation modes, computational simulation


The solution of the model for small forced oscillations in membranes is described. The cases of rectangular, circular and also elliptical membranes are discussed. A simple computer animation example is provided using the MAPLE software package. The evolution of the first vibrational mode for a circular membrane is presented. The results obtained are useful for the understanding of membrane oscillations in different applications. Also, the method could be used as a help in teaching.




How to Cite

E. Alvarado-Anell, M. Sosa, and M. Moreles, “Computational study of forced oscillations in a membrane”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 51, no. 2 Jul-Dec, pp. 102–107, Jan. 2005.