Maxwell equations in Lorentz covariant integral form


  • E. Ley Koo


Electromagnetismo, Maxwell equations, integral, differential forms, standard, Lorentz-covariant forms


Most textbooks of electromagnetism give comparable weights to the presentation of Maxwell equations in their integral and differential forms. The same books, when dealing with the Lorentz covariance of the Maxwell equations, limit themselves to the discussion of their differential forms, and make no reference to their integral forms. Such a gap in the didactic literature is bridged in this paper by explicitly constructing the latter via the integration of the former, for the source-dependent and source-independent cases, over a four-vector and a rank-3 tensor hypersurfaces, respectively.




How to Cite

E. Ley Koo, “Maxwell equations in Lorentz covariant integral form”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 52, no. 1 Jan-Jun, pp. 84–89, Jan. 2006.