Ecuaciones de advección-difusión, telégrafo y onda advectiva como superposiciones de transporte, difusión y onda: un enfoque didáctico


  • G.M. Ortigoza Capetillo


Physics Education, advection, diffusion, wave equation


In this work we present exact solutions of the advection-diffusion and the telegraph equations. These equations are considered as combinations of the basic equations: wave, heat and transport equation. Thus, in a natural way, a third combination that we called advection-wave is introduced. Although this equation is not so popular like the other combinations, it is a simple example of didactical value that allow us to explain physical and mathematical relations for the superposition of transport and wave motion.




How to Cite

G. Ortigoza Capetillo, “Ecuaciones de advección-difusión, telégrafo y onda advectiva como superposiciones de transporte, difusión y onda: un enfoque didáctico”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 53, no. 1 Jan-Jun, pp. 48–51, Jan. 2007.