El modelo BEG con interacciones de largo alcance: propiedades estáticas y dinámicas


  • A. Ramírez-Hernández


Long-range interactions, phase transitions, master equation


We study the static and dynamic properties of the BEG model with long-range interactions. This model is exactly solvable both in the canonical and in the microcanonical ensembles, we obtain the canonical partition function and the phase transition lines. Also, we study the dynamic properties through the master equation within the Glauber dynamics. We have derived and studied the kinetic equation for the magnetization, we observed the critical slowing down phenomenon near the critical point. Thus, this model represents a very interesting example, where it is possible to study all these phenomena, moreover it has a richer phase diagram than the Ising model, so it can be a nice example as part of the courses of statistical physics.




How to Cite

A. Ramírez-Hernández, “El modelo BEG con interacciones de largo alcance: propiedades estáticas y dinámicas”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 56, no. 1 Jan-Jun, pp. 92–97, Jan. 2010.