Quantum echoes in classical and semiclassical statistical treatments


  • F.~Pennini.
  • A.~Plastino.


Information theory, phase space, semiclassical information, delocalization, Fisher measure


Some quantal systems require only a small part of the full quantum theory for their analysis in classical terms. In such understanding we discuss some recent literature on semiclassical treatments and add some results of our own. This analysis allows one to see that some important quantum features of the harmonic oscillator, a system of great didactic value, can indeed be already encountered at the classical or semiclassical statistical levels.




How to Cite

F.~Pennini. and A.~Plastino., “Quantum echoes in classical and semiclassical statistical treatments”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 58, no. 2 Jul-Dec, pp. 120–126, Jan. 2012.