Introduction of the concepts of hole and effective mass using an alternative to the <span style="font-style:italic">E-k</span> diagram


  • Lydia Alvarez.


Hole, effective mass, \textit{E-k} diagram


An alternative to the E-k diagram is proposed as a mean of teaching the concept of hole to undergraduate students who have never studied Quantum Mechanics. Some background on the application of Quantum Mechanics to crystalline solids is given in order to discuss the concept of effective mass and the concept of hole. Then, the so-called $|p|-v$ diagram is geometrically derived from the E-k diagram, using their critical points as a reference. Finally, the new diagram is used as part of a full explanation of the concept of hole and conclusions are given.




How to Cite

Lydia Alvarez., “Introduction of the concepts of hole and effective mass using an alternative to the <span style=‘font-style:italic’>E-k</span> diagram”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 59, no. 2 Jul-Dec, pp. 128–132, Jan. 2013.