Validating quantum storage and state transference based on spin systems through elimination of exchange degeneracy


  • M. Ávila


Exchange degeneracy, symmetrization, quantum information storage, quantum information transference


A quantum storage and state transference machine based on spin systems is considered. The process described cannot be regarded a a quantum teleportation because it does not involve any measurement. In previous work on quantum storage and state transference based on spin systems, exchange degeneracy was not taken into account and this is important because the initial and final states can become indistinguishable from each other and so the state transference may loose its meaning. It is shown that such a failure can be corrected by symmetrization. We conclude that in a consistent state transference and storage process, the parity of the initial state is not necessarily conserved.




How to Cite

M. Ávila, “Validating quantum storage and state transference based on spin systems through elimination of exchange degeneracy”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 61, no. 1 Jan-Jun, pp. 17–0, Jan. 2015.