Addendum to complete electromagnetic multipole expansion including toroidal moments Rev. Mex. Fis E 52 (2006) 188-197


  • E. Ley Koo Instituto de Fisica, UNAM
  • A. Góngora T. Formely of Northeastern University, Boston Ma.
  • H. Torres Bustamante Instituto de Fisica, UNAM



Electromagnetic radiation, multipole expansion, electric, magnetic, toroidal moments


This Addendum reports exact and complete solutions for the electromagnetic field of poloidal currents uniformly distributed on spherical toroidal surfaces, which has been a pending task of Section 3 in [1]. This result is important by
itself, and also because it allows the identification of new and alternative solutions and the reasons behind them.


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How to Cite

E. Ley Koo, A. Góngora T., and H. Torres Bustamante, “Addendum to complete electromagnetic multipole expansion including toroidal moments Rev. Mex. Fis E 52 (2006) 188-197”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 17, no. 2 Jul-Dec, pp. 138–140, Jul. 2020.