Development of physics comic based on local wisdom: Hopscotch (engklek) game android-assisted to improve mathematical representation ability and creative thinking of high school students
Physics Comic, Android, Local Wisdom, Hopscotch, Creativity, Mathematical RepresentationAbstract
Comic can be an effective educational tool at various levels of Education. Developmental trends of technology can be used as a learning medium. In this research the comics are designed for operated using an android. This study aims to produce a local wisdom based physics comic media: hopscotch game that is suitable for learning impulse and momentum material in high school, and to know the effectiveness of the media used to improve mathematical representation and creative thinking of students. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) using the Borg & Gall model. Research instruments include product assessment sheets, questionnaire, mathematical representation and creative thinking tests. The data analysis technique used is the MANOVA test. The results show that the product is a media that is operated using a smartphone/ android with the EPUB-Reader application or a computer with an internet browser. The comic media contains impulse and momentum material, videos, examples, and practice questions. The product is categorized as suitable to be used in the physics learning process. There is a difference between the experimental and control classes. This shows that the local wisdom based Physics comic: android-assisted can improve mathematical representation and creative thinking of high school students.References
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