Wavelet eXtropy of fractal signals


  • Julio Ramirez-Pacheco Universidad Autónoma del estado de Quintana Roo




Fractal; eXtropy; wavelets; wavelet entropy; wavelet eXtropy; fractal analysis


Recently, the concept of eXtropy was proposed as a complementary dual of Shannon entropy. This article extends the standard time-domain eXtropy concept to the time-scale domain and then obtains a closed-form expression for this wavelet eXtropy for fractal signals of parameter α. A didactic study of the wavelet eXtropy of fractal signals reveals that this infomation-theory quantifier increases for short-memory fractal signals, is maximum for white noise (α = 0) and decreases for long-memory fractal processes. Compared to the standard wavelet entropy, wavelet eXtropy performs similar, however has lower variability for stationary fractal signals and higher variability for nonstationary ones. Moreover, the computation of fractality based eXtropy planes allows to highlight further properties and also potential applications for the analysis/estimation of fractals.



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How to Cite

J. Ramirez-Pacheco, “Wavelet eXtropy of fractal signals”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 22, no. 1 Jan-Jun, pp. 010211 1–, Jan. 2025.