Linear and angular momentum stored in a distribution of charges in a magnetic field. The other side of the story


  • Gerardo Francisco Torres del Castillo Instituto de Ciencias, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Claudia Elizabeth Mendoza-Luna Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla



Linear momentum, angular momentum, electromagnetic field, symmetries


The linear or the angular momentum stored in an arbitrary electric charge distribution in the presence of a magnetic field is defined by calculating the linear or the angular momentum transferred to the electric charge distribution by a time-dependent magnetic field, which is initially zero and after some time reaches the desired final value. The component of the transferred linear momentum along some axis depends only on the final magnetic field if and only if the magnetic field is invariant under translations along this axis. Similarly, the component of the transferred angular momentum along some axis depends only on the final magnetic field if and only if the magnetic field is invariant under rotations about this axis.


G.F. Torres del Castillo, The linear and the angular momentum stored in a distribution of charges in a magnetic field, Rev. Mex. Fís. 69 (2023) 050701,

J.R. Reitz, F.J. Milford, and R.W. Christy, Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory, 4th ed. (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1979). Chap. 12

D.J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 5th ed. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2023),

G.F. Torres del Castillo, On Feynman’s paradox, Rev. Mex. Fís. E 20 (2023) 020201,




How to Cite

G. F. Torres del Castillo and C. E. Mendoza-Luna, “Linear and angular momentum stored in a distribution of charges in a magnetic field. The other side of the story”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 22, no. 1 Jan-Jun, pp. 010201 1–, Jan. 2025.