Comparison of cooperative learning types in physics teaching: a short literature review
Cooperative learning, Comparisons of cooperative learning types, PhysicsAbstract
A short literature review has been carried out on the comparison of cooperative learning types in physics learning. The purpose of this literature review is to discuss the type of cooperative learning that is effectively used in terms of the dependent variable measured. The method used in this study is a literature review. Literature review is done by searching for keywords related to the theme raised. This keyword search is done through Google Scholar, Base, and Core search engines. A number of 27 articles have been retrieved that match the keywords and have been screened with limitations on the year of publication, namely the last 10 years. Through this literature review, it is obtained that the success of the type of cooperative learning depends on the measured variables (dependent variables). The GI type of cooperative learning model is more effective for improving physics learning outcomes, scientific attitudes, and learning activities. The STAD type is better at increasing student learning motivation and cognitive learning outcomes. The NHT type is better at improving students’ affective, cognitive learning outcomes, and critical thinking skills. And, the Jigsaw type is effective in improving problem solving abilities, performance, attitude, and retention in physics.
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