An analysis of problem solving strategy using magic card science media on free falling topic
problem solving, magic card science, free fall motionAbstract
This study looked at how well physics teacher candidates used magic card scientific media to solve problems when learning about free fall motion. This kind of study is known as a quasi-experiment. 26 students from the Physics Education study program who were enrolled in an experimental class and a control group using magic scientific material made up the sample. methods for gathering data that make use of test and documentation methods. N-gain data analysis techniques. According to the study's findings, the experimental class's N-gain was 0.77 in the high category and the control class's N-gain was 0.37 in the medium group. The experimental class's N-Gain-Present of 77.30% indicates that learning magic science was effective, whereas the control class's N-Gain-Present of 37.36% indicates that it was ineffective.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Handoyo Saputro, Lia Yuliati, Parno Parno, Sunaryono Sunaryono, Puji Hariati Winingsih, Rio Sebastian

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