Simulation of Gaussian wave packets used to illustrate elementary quantum mechanics scenarios


  • F. Guzmán-Cajica FCFM-UMSNH
  • Francisco S. Guzmán Murillo IFM-UMSNH



Self-gravitating systems; dark matter; bose condensates


In this paper we numerically solve the time dependent Schrödinger equation for scenarios using wave packets. These examples include the free wave packet, which we use to show the difference between group and phase velocities, the packet in a harmonic oscillator potential with non-trivial initial conditions in one and two dimensions, which is compared with their classical analogs to show how Ehrenfest theorem holds. We also include simulations of the diffraction through the single and double slit potentials, the refraction with a step potential and the dispersion by a central potential. The aim of this paper is to illustrate with simulations, nowadays easy to implement, scenarios that can help explaining the basics of the wave-particle duality.


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How to Cite

F. Guzmán-Cajica and F. S. Guzmán Murillo, “Simulation of Gaussian wave packets used to illustrate elementary quantum mechanics scenarios”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 21, no. 2 Jul-Dec, pp. 020219 1–, Jul. 2024.