Permeability simulation in an elastic deformable sandstone under stress changes


  • M. E. Vadillo-Sáenz Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo
  • P. F. Aguilar-Gasteum Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo
  • M. A. Díaz-Viera Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo
  • M. Coronado Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo



poroelasticity, stress, permeability, simulation


Fluid flow and rock mechanics become coupled in various important phenomena in Geosciences. In order to study this coupling, laboratory work has been carried out in triaxial cells along the years for various rock and fluid types at different confinement stress and pore pressure conditions. In a similar way, poromechanic models have been developed to simulate them, in which constitutive porosity and permeability correlation models in terms of strain, stress and fluid pressure have to be provided. However, to date, the applicability of the available correlation models to describe this phenomenon in different types of rock remains to be analyzed. In this work, a single-phase poroelastic model is applied to simulate a published geomechanical test performed in sandstones to examine the capacity of commonly used constitutive porosity and permeability correlations to describe the behavior of a homogeneous poroelastic medium. After discussing the results, we conclude that for this sandstone, the best permeability constitutive correlation model is Walder and Nur.

Author Biographies

M. E. Vadillo-Sáenz, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo

Posgrado del Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo

P. F. Aguilar-Gasteum, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo

Gerencia de Ingeniería de Recuperación Adicional

M. A. Díaz-Viera, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo

Gerencia de Ingeniería de Recuperación Adicional

M. Coronado, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo

Gerencia de Ingeniería de Yacimientos


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How to Cite

Vadillo-Sáenz ME, Aguilar-Gasteum PF, Díaz-Viera MA, Coronado M. Permeability simulation in an elastic deformable sandstone under stress changes. Supl. Rev. Mex. Fis. [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];1(2):25-33. Available from: