General thermodynamic efficiency loss, aging and Gompertz mortality law
Aging processes, Gompertz mortality rate, Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, Pre-biotic dissipative circular molecules, Lipid vesicles, Archean period.Abstract
A simple and general thermodynamic theory is applied to describe the irreversible aspects of the continuous process of functional efficiency loss, which occurs in dissipative biological structures after they reach maturity [1]. This theory, among other things, follows Prigogine [2] by considering that these dissipative structures perform their functions and carry out cyclical processes per se since they are self-organizing away from equilibrium. By using the irreversible thermodynamic theory of aging by Montemayor-Aldrete et al [1], we have obtained results such as the following: The accumulated damage that occurs in dissipative biological structures after they reach maturity, which is the product of linear loss of functional efficiency with time, leads to the law of exponential mortality rate by Gompertz. The average solar power volumetric density of frequency ν dissipated by circular molecules of radius , which reside on the inner surface of some lipid vesicles that float in the Archean oceans and that contain water and other chemical components are obtained. Such expression resembles the Stefan–Boltzmann law which describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Also, an expression for the volumetric density of the average entropy production rate by molecules of radius is obtained. Finally, the coupling processes that occur between the matter and heat fluxes between the interior and the exterior of lentil-shaped lipid vesicles pumped by the solar radiation action are analyzed qualitatively as well as their possible consequences in relation to the prebiotic chemical evolution of dissipative systems that can give rise to life.
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