Recent results on e +e − annihilation to hadrons in the SND experiment


  • V.N. Zhabin Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • M.N. Achasov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • A.Yu. Barnyakov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State Technical University
  • A.A. Baykov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • K.I. Beloborodov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • A.V. Berdyugin Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • A.G. Bogdanchikov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • A.A. Botov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • T.V. Dimova Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • V.P. Druzhinin Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • V.B. Golubev Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • L.V. Kardapoltsev Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • A.G. Kharlamov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • A.A. Korol Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • D.P. Kovrizhin Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • A.S. Kupich Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • K.A. Martin Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • N.A. Melnikova Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • N.Yu. Muchnoy Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • A.E. Obrazovsky Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • E.V. Pakhtusova Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • K.V. Pugachev Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • Ya.S. Savchenko Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • S.I. Serednyakov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • D.A. Shtol Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • Z.K. Silagadze Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • I.K. Surin Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • Yu.A. Tikhonov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University
  • Yu.V. Usov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • V.V. Zhulanov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics; Novosibirsk State University



Hadron cross section, VEPP-2000


Recent results of the SND experiment at the VEPP-2000 collider on e +e − annihilation to hadrons below 2 GeV are presented. In particular, we discuss measurements of the e +e − → π +π − and e +e − → nn¯ cross sections. The processes e +e − → π +π −π 0 , K+K−π 0 , ηπ0 γ and 2ηγ were under investigation as well. The preliminary results on the e +e − → ωπ0 → π +π −2π 0 cross section measurement are also presented.


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How to Cite

Zhabin V, Achasov M, Barnyakov A, Baykov A, Beloborodov K, Berdyugin A, Bogdanchikov A, Botov A, Dimova T, Druzhinin V, Golubev V, Kardapoltsev L, Kharlamov A, Korol A, Kovrizhin D, Kupich A, Martin K, Melnikova N, Muchnoy N, Obrazovsky A, Pakhtusova E, Pugachev K, Savchenko Y, Serednyakov S, Shtol D, Silagadze Z, Surin I, Tikhonov Y, Usov Y, Zhulanov V. Recent results on e +e − annihilation to hadrons in the SND experiment. Supl. Rev. Mex. Fis. [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];3(3):0308056 1-5. Available from: