Dyson-Schwinger equations and the muon g-2
Electromagnetic form factors, Bound and unstable states, Hadronic light-by-light contributions, Dyson-Schwinger equationsAbstract
We present a brief introduction to the Dyson-Schwinger equations (DSEs) approach to hadron and high-energy physics. In particular, how this formalism is applied to calculate the electromagnetic form factors $\gamma^* \gamma^* \to \textbf{P}^0$ and $\gamma^* \textbf{P}^\pm \to \textbf{P}^\pm$ (with $\textbf{P}^\pm$ and $\textbf{P}^0$ charged and neutral ground-state pseudoscalar mesons, respectively) is discussed. Subsequently, the corresponding contributions of those form factors to the muon anomalous magnetic moment ($g-2$) are estimated. We look forward to promoting the DSE approach to address theoretical aspects of the muon $g-2$, highlighting some calculations that could be carried out in the future.
i. MCEs are also expected to play a major role in the description of nucleon and hyperon transition form factors, around Q2≈0 [58-61].
ii. Equation (25) must be adapted to account for the flavour decomposition of the η − η 0 systems [52].
iii. The quark propagator is written as S(p) = −iγ · p σv(p2) + σs(p2), with σs,v(p2) being algebraically related to M(p2) and Z(p2) in Eq. (8).
iv. The MCEs take place in the neighborhood of Q2≈0 [58-61], such that, for increasing Q2, BRL → RL.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Khépani Raya, Adnan Bashir, Ángel S. Miramontes, Pablo Roig (Author)

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