Measurement of polarization observables in multi-meson photoproduction off the proton with the CBELSA/TAPS experiment


  • Tobias Seifen HISKP, University of Bonn



polarization observables, photoproduction, CBELSA/TAPS


The reaction γp → pπ 0π 0 was analyzed using data of the CBELSA/TAPS experiment where linearly polarized photons impinged on a transversely polarized butanol target. Single and double polarization observables were extracted. Within the BnGa-PWA resonance parameters were determined. N∗ and ∆∗ resonances demonstrated systematic differences in their decay branching ratios via excited hadrons which hint at the internal structure of these states.


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T. Seifen, in preparation

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Webpage on baryon spectroscopy of the BnGa group:




How to Cite

Seifen T. Measurement of polarization observables in multi-meson photoproduction off the proton with the CBELSA/TAPS experiment. Supl. Rev. Mex. Fis. [Internet]. 2022 May 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];3(3):0308028 1-5. Available from: