Tribute to Arnulfo Zepeda Domínguez
Arnulfo Zepeda, high energy physics, HAWC, auger, MCTP, MAIS, LRCAD, CERN, ALICEAbstract
On November 30, 2020, the world of High Energy Physics lost one of its most brilliant research professors. Dr. Arnulfo Zepeda Dom ́ınguez left a great legacy of scientific results, new researchers’ training, schools’ creation, new experiments, new research centers, and invaluable scientific outreach work. In this contribution, a group of his students, colleagues, and friends describe him as a professor and leader through several anecdotes.
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M. Mondragon, Supersymmetry and GUTs in México, AIP Conference Proceedings 857 (2006) 66.
A.H. Galeana, A. Zepeda, Universally Coupled Extra Z Bosons from Extended Technicolor Models, Z. Phys. C 40 (1988) 125
Rodrigo Pelayo Ramos, Technicolor theories and ultra highenergy cosmic rays, PhD thesis (in spanish), CINVESTAV, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México City, México (2008).
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A. Aab et al., (Pierre Auger Collaboration), Observation of a large-scale anisotropy in the arrival directions of cosmic rays above 818 eV, Science 357 (2017).
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E. Ponce et al.,, Prototype of a hybrid cosmic ray detector at the Pico de Orizaba: first stage, Instrumentation in elementary particle physics 674 (2003), proceedings of the 1st ICFA instrumentation school/workshop at the ICFA Instrumentation Center, Morelia, México, November 18-29, 2002, editors: Luis Villaseñor y Víctor Villanueva.
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Oscar Miyamoto Gomez, How HAWC landed in México, Symmetry, an online magazine for particle physics, Magazine, Fermilab/SLAC publication, 2020.
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A. Fernández et al., ACORDE a cosmic ray detector for ALICE, NIMA 572 (2007) 102-103. 43. P. Giubellino (GSI-FAIR), L. Maiani (Universita di Roma) and L. Musa (CERN), Obituary, CERN Courier May-June issue, 08/04/2021.
J. C. D’Olivo, Laudation in Honor of Arnulfo Zepeda, AIP Conference Proceedings 670 (2003) 6.
José Luis Lucio and Arnulfo Zepeda. Remembrances on the origin of the Mexican School of Particles and Fields, AIP Conference Proceedings 857 (2006) 11
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Copyright (c) 2022 J. C. Arteaga-Velazquez, Karen Salome Caballero Mora, R. López Ramírez, H. Martínez Huerta, R. Pelayo-Ramos, L. Villaseñor (Author)

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