Application of the nuclear tracks methodology for the validation of atomic force microscope probe tips


  • B. E. Zendejas-Leal Departamento de Física, Cinvestav-IPN
  • R. Fragoso-Soriano Departamento de Física, Cinvestav-IPN
  • Carlos Vázquez López Departamento de Física, Cinvestav-IPN
  • E. López-Cruz Instituto de Física, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla



AFM tip checking; nuclear tracks


Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a well-established technique for studying materials at nanoscale dimensions. The resolution of this instrument strongly relies on the sharpness of its tip, which can become compromised through wear and breakage, often due to contamination at the AFM tip apex. To evaluate the condition of both new and used tips, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) inspection is commonly employed. However, SEM services may not always be readily available or in high demand. In this study, we present an AFM tip calibration device that utilizes a pattern of etched tracks on CR-39 material. To construct this device, you will require a radioactive alpha particle source, typically Americium-241, as well as a controlled temperature bath set at 60 degrees Celsius, which contains a 6.25 M KOH solution. This endeavor serves as another intriguing and practical application of the nuclear tracks methodology.


C. Vázquez-López et al., AFM tip gauge by nuclear tracks methodology, Radiat. Meas. 40 (2005) 392,

M. K. M. Komiyama et al., Effects of Atomic Arrangement at Tip Apex and Tip- Sample Distance on Atomic Force Microscopy Images: A Simulation Study, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 35 (1996) 2318,

Calibration standards for afm/spm.

Standard Tapping Mode AFM Probes


Landauer Inc.

C. Vázquez-López, B.E. Zendejas-Leal, R. Fragoso, J. I. Golzarri, and G Espinosa. The effects of the bragg curve on the nuclear track formation in cr-39 polycarbonate, with the atomic force microscopy approach. Rev. Mex. Fis. 59 (2013) 165.




How to Cite

Zendejas-Leal BE, Fragoso-Soriano R, Vázquez López C, López-Cruz E. Application of the nuclear tracks methodology for the validation of atomic force microscope probe tips. Supl. Rev. Mex. Fis. [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];5(1):011201 1-. Available from: