Laser amplification: experiment and electronic simulation


  • V. Aboites
  • F. Martínez
  • M. Jiménez


Laser amplifiers, electronic amplifiers, opto-electronics


The experimental results of a molecular nitrogen laser system based on a master oscillator and an amplifier with Blumline configurations are reported, as well as an electronic system based on a microcontroller and operational amplifiers which qualitatively reproduce the results obtained with the laser system. The usefulness of the developed electronic system and its application during university level lectures and popularization talks about lasers, photonics and quantum electronics is discussed.




How to Cite

V. Aboites, F. Martínez, and M. Jiménez, “Laser amplification: experiment and electronic simulation”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 53, no. 2 Jul-Dec, pp. 168–173, Jan. 2007.