Response coefficients in thermodynamic systems (I)


  • R. Acevedo-Chávez
  • M.E. Costas


Thermodynamics, response coefficients, equations of state


In the first undergraduate Physical Chemistry or Classical Thermodynamics courses in the Chemistry areas, the study of equations of state is usually included. The differential forms of the equations of state contain the response coefficients, which are the relations among the relevant properties of state of a particular system. The classic solution to the differential equations thus requires that the response coefficients be known, which must be experimentally obtained. A confined gas is one of the systems that can be experimentally studied in a simple manner. The response coefficient $\left( {\partial P / \partial T} \right)_V $ is important from different points of view. In this communication, the design, the experimental produce and the results for the experimental determination (in an accessible temperature range) of the response coefficient $\left( {\partial P / \partial T} \right)_V $ for atmospheric air, are presented. The value for this coefficient has been highly reproducible by students throughout the courses, no matter the types of manometers, flasks or thermal baths are used in the experiment.




How to Cite

R. Acevedo-Chávez and M. Costas, “Response coefficients in thermodynamic systems (I)”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 53, no. 2 Jul-Dec, pp. 174–177, Jan. 2007.