Sobre la ecuación de transferencia radiativa relativista especial


  • M.F. Duque D.
  • L. Castañeda C.
  • C.A. Duque D.


Radiative transfer, special relativity


The purpose is to introduce in a clear and direct way the students of undergraduate courses in physics and/or astronomy to the subject of radiative transfer. A pedagogical revision is made in order to obtain the radiative transfer equation, its restrictions and the different types of interactions present between the radiation and the matter. Because in the classical literature about radiative transfer the covariance is not fully developed, we show in an explicit manner detail calculations and then we discuss the relativistic effects.




How to Cite

M. Duque D., L. Castañeda C., and C. Duque D., “Sobre la ecuación de transferencia radiativa relativista especial”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 54, no. 1 Jan-Jun, pp. 37–46, Jan. 2008.