Experimentos numéricos en el aula sobre fenómenos difusivos: difusión anómala en sistemas físicos y biológicos


  • J.F. Rojas
  • M.A. Morales


Anomalous diffusion, computational physics, python, Brownian motion


The diffusion phenomena and the Partial Differential Equations are topics barely reviewed in the undergraduate level of Physics. The main goal of the present work is, precisely, motivate students to study the ubiquitous diffusion phenomena showing the Einstein's model. In the other hand, we propose a very simple numerical experiment that enables us to see the original diffusion equation limitations. The character of the anomalous diffusion showed in the examples appears, in general, in open systems such as foraging walks in animals or inanimated particles moving in a porous media. The proposed numerical experiment shows the superdiffusive and subdiffusive phenomena.




How to Cite

J. Rojas and M. Morales, “Experimentos numéricos en el aula sobre fenómenos difusivos: difusión anómala en sistemas físicos y biológicos”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 56, no. 1 Jan-Jun, pp. 41–50, Jan. 2010.