Percepción del aprendizaje de la física en diferentes programas de ingeniería
Attitudes and beliefs, learning of physics, predictor of performance, CLASS surveyAbstract
This work was designed to characterize and study the beliefs held by students of different engineering programs regarding the learning of Physics using the CLASS survey. The beliefs and attitudes shown by students towards the learning of this subject represent a good predictor of the performance of students taking the first science courses and whose contents are valid in an increasingly globalized world. In addition, the teacher’s knowledge of these beliefs will allow him/her to have a clearer idea of what the students think regarding the way in which they learn this subject. Therefore, we propose learning environments that potentiate favorable beliefs and modify unfavorable ones, and will represent for the teacher a high possibility of improving the results in the learning of Physics. In this study, we found significant differences in how students perceive the importance of learning Physics in their training as engineers, depending on the engineering program they are enrolled in. It is necessary then, that the teacher establishes a pedagogical line of action that brings the student closer to an effective learning and where the competences developed in the learning of Physics are oriented to the development of their professional training.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Tomas Rada Crespo, Oscar Hernández Bustos, Diana Rueda Delgado, Heydy Robles Noriega, Juan Miranda Crespo

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