SpaceMath version 1.0 A Mathematica package for beyond the standard model parameter space searches
Mathematica, high luminosity, high energyAbstract
We present a pedagogical Mathematica package, so-called SpaceMath, for Beyond the Standard Model parameter space searches. This software is directed mainly for the training of human resources related to elementary particle physics phenomenology, however, it is sophisticated enough to be used in researches. In this first version, SpaceMath v1.0 works with Higgs Boson Data whose results are the most up-to-date experimental measurements made at the Large Hadron Collider. In addition, we also include the expected results at future colliders, namely, High Luminosity LHC and High Energy LHC. SpaceMath v1.0 is able to find allowed regions for free parameters of extension models using the Higgs Boson Data within a friendly interface and an intuitive environment in which the user enters the couplings symbolically, sets parameters and execute Mathematica in the traditional way. As result, both tables as plots with values and areas agree with experimental data are generated. We present examples using SpaceMath v1.0 to analyze the free Two-Higgs Doublet Model and the Simplest Little Higgs Model parameter spaces, step by step, in order to start new users in a fast and efficient way. Finally, to validate SpaceMath v1.0, widely known results are reproduced.
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