Coherent neutral pion and eta meson photoproduction on the deuteron


  • Takatsugu Ishikawa Research Center for Electron Photon Science (ELPH), Tohoku University
  • H. Fujimura Tohoku University
  • H. Fukasawa Tohoku University
  • R. Hashimoto Tohoku University
  • Q. He Tohoku University
  • Y. Honda Tohoku University
  • S. Kaida Tohoku University
  • J. Kasagi Tohoku University
  • S. Kuwasaki Tohoku University
  • M. Miyabe Tohoku University
  • F. Miyahara Tohoku University
  • K. Mochizuki Tohoku University
  • N. Muramatsu Tohoku University
  • A. Nakamura Tohoku University
  • K. Nawa Tohoku University
  • S. Ogushi Tohoku University
  • Y. Okada Tohoku University
  • K. Okamura Tohoku University
  • Y. Onodera Tohoku University
  • M. Sato Tohoku University
  • H. Shimizu Tohoku University
  • H. Sugai Tohoku University
  • K. Suzuki Tohoku University
  • S. Takahashi Tohoku University
  • Y. Taniguchi Tohoku University
  • Y. Tsuchikawa Tohoku University
  • H. Yamazaki Tohoku University
  • R. Yamazaki Tohoku University
  • T. Iwata Yamagata University
  • Y. Tajima Yamagata University
  • H. Y. Yoshida Yamagata University
  • A. Kawano Tohoku Gakuin University
  • Y. Sakamoto Tohoku Gakuin University
  • K. Maeda Tohoku University
  • S. Masumoto University of Tokyo
  • Y. Obara University of Tokyo
  • K. Ozawa Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies



Coherent meson photoproduction, eta d threshold structure


Measurements of the cross sections are conducted for coherent photoproduction of the neutral pion and eta meson on the d, gamma deutron to pi0 eta deutron, at the incident energy in the range of the reaction threshold to 1.15 GeV. A rapidly increasing trend below 1 GeV is observed in the total cross section. The data are effectively reproduced by theoretical calculations incorporating the meson-deutron final-state interactions. However, the measured deutron angular distribution d sigma/d Omegad in the center-of-mass frame (gamma d) is rather flat, and it differs significantly from the strong backward-peaking behavior expected in the kinematics of d formation after pi0 eta photoproduction on an initial bound nucleon. In addition, the d sigma/dMeta d differential cross section exhibits a prominent enhancement near the eta d threshold, while d sigma/dMpi d exhibits an enhancement near the known pi d resonance with I=1 and JP=2+. From these observations, we have concluded that two reaction sequences occur; gamma d to pi0 D01 to pi0 eta d and eta D12 to pi0 eta d, where DIJ denotes a state with a baryon number of 2, an isospin of I, and a spin of J. The enhancement corresponding to D01 is expected to be a theoretically predicted eta NN bound state with I=0 and JP=1- or a virtual state of eta d. It is found that attraction between eta d is certainly very strong.


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How to Cite

Ishikawa T, Fujimura H, Fukasawa H, Hashimoto R, He Q, Honda Y, Kaida S, Kasagi J, Kuwasaki S, Miyabe M, Miyahara F, Mochizuki K, Muramatsu N, Nakamura A, Nawa K, Ogushi S, Okada Y, Okamura K, Onodera Y, Sato M, Shimizu H, Sugai H, Suzuki K, Takahashi S, Taniguchi Y, Tsuchikawa Y, Yamazaki H, Yamazaki R, Iwata T, Tajima Y, Yoshida HY, Kawano A, Sakamoto Y, Maeda K, Masumoto S, Obara Y, Ozawa K. Coherent neutral pion and eta meson photoproduction on the deuteron. Supl. Rev. Mex. Fis. [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];3(3):0308027 1-5. Available from: