Results from low energy e +e − facilities of Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics


  • Evgeny Kozyrev Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics



Muon anomalous magnetic moment; g-2, e e − annihilation, hadrons, non pertubative QCD, R measurement


The muon g-2 anomaly showing about 4σ deviation between the Standard Model (SM) prediction and the experiment is one of the most promising signals for physics beyond the SM. Also the hadronic uncertainties are limiting the accuracy of the SM prediction. We present the role of recent results, obtained with CMD-3, SND, and KEDR detectors at e +e − colliders VEPP-2000 (0.15÷1 GeV/beam) and VEPP-4M (1÷5 GeV/beam) in Novosibirsk, Russia, in improving the evaluations of hadronic vacuum polarization.


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How to Cite

Kozyrev E. Results from low energy e +e − facilities of Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. Supl. Rev. Mex. Fis. [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];3(3):0308007 1-6. Available from: