Difracción de luz por esferas dieléctricas: micro- y nano-partículas


  • R. Rodríguez-Mijangos
  • R. García-Llamas


Dielectric optical properties, whispering gallery modes, nanojets, nanoparticles


The light diffraction associated to excitation of whispering gallery modes in dielectric spheres or nanoparticles is studied theoretically. The named nanojets in dielectric micro spheres are also studied, these are a sub-wavelength volumetric regions of high light field intensity located near to the sphere. The excitation WGM for dielectric spheres are observed as peaks in the total scattering cross section. Under excitation condition, the modes are behaved as waves which are propagating along the circumference, but in the sphere, its intensity is highly confined to the surface.




How to Cite

R. Rodríguez-Mijangos and R. García-Llamas, “Difracción de luz por esferas dieléctricas: micro- y nano-partículas”, Rev. Mex. Fis. E, vol. 62, no. 1 Jan-Jun, pp. 51–59, Jan. 2016.