Superluminal rates of separation and EPR photons


  • J. Karles
  • { H. Perez Rojas}


Superluminal velocities, correlated EPR photon pairs


We consider rates of separation between two particles greater than $c$ (which is not in contradiction with special relativity) in understanding some conflict between special relativity and quantum mechanics found by moving observers of correlated EPR pairs of photons. The photon frequencies observed in the moving frame have opposite shifts than those found when the detectors are fixed in that frame. By observing from two different frames the arrival of a photon from an EPR pair to a given detector, it is illustrated how the measurement of the simultaneous arrival of the other photon of the EPR pair in one frame disturbs the measurement in the other frame.




How to Cite

J. Karles and { H. Perez Rojas}, “Superluminal rates of separation and EPR photons”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 150–0, Jan. 2002.