Quantum cosmology for inflationary scenary


  • J. Socorro
  • O. Obregón


Inflation, quantum exact solutions, supersymmetric quantum cosmology, factor ordering, Einstein-Hamilton-Jacobi equation


We study quantum and super quantum cosmology for a Friedman-Robertson Walker (FRW) flat universe in the presence of an inflation exponential potential with the corresponding kinetic term for the scalar field. We exhibit exact solutions for the corresponding Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) equation and its square root. In both cases, solutions, as is known for the Bianchi models, of the form $e^{i\Phi}$ exist, where $\Phi$ is the Hamilton-Jacobi function. For a particular factor ordering of the standard Wheeler-DeWitt equation we show a ``wave packet" in which for large $x$ (with the radius of expansion of the universe $a \sim e^{-x}$), $\varphi$ the scalar field and $x$ ``compete" modulating the behaviour of the ``wave packet".




How to Cite

J. Socorro and O. Obregón, “Quantum cosmology for inflationary scenary”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 205–0, Jan. 2002.