Shift of saddle-node bifurcation points in modulated Hénon map


  • J. M
  • A. N
  • V. Aboites


Nonlinear dynamics, parametrical modulation, coexisting attractors, crisis


We study the influence of a harmonic parametric modulation on the positions of critical points in the low-dissipative Hénon map with coexisting period-1 and period-3 attractors. The shift of the saddle-node bifurcation and crisis points depends strongly on the modulation frequency and amplitude. Resonance phenomena play a significant role in the displacement of the attractor boundaries as well as in attractor annihilation due to boundary crisis.




How to Cite

J. M, A. N, and V. Aboites, “Shift of saddle-node bifurcation points in modulated Hénon map”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 290–0, Jan. 2002.