Magnetic fields of spherical, cylindrical, and elipsoidal electric charge superficial distributions at rotation


  • M.A. Avila


Rotating charge distribution, magnetic vector potential, bobbins, magnetic dipole expansion, quark confinement, magnetic field


The vector potentials $ A( r)$ produced by spherical, cylindrical, and elipsoidal uniform superficial distributions of electrical charge rotating at a constant angular velocity $ \omega$, are found. This is done by modeling such a distributions as if they were simple bobbins made of $N$ loops of a very thin coil carrying a current $I$ and calculating simply the dipolar potential $ A_{\text{dip}}( r)$ produced by them. Due that in the case of the spherical geometry the potential $ A( r)$ has already been calculated its value is used as a consistence test of the present approach, for the two other geometries the analytical calculation of the potentials is not so trivial by this reason the equalness between $ A_{\text{dip}}( r)$ and $ A( r)$ is proved trough a numerical evaluation of the complex integrals appearing in the Biot-Savart expression for $ A( r)$. The respective magnetic fields generated by these three rotating distributions have an identical structure: they are constant inside the surfaces while outside them they are dipolar-like (nearby to radiation zone). An application of the above results to quark confinement inside hadrons is proposed.




How to Cite

M. Avila, “Magnetic fields of spherical, cylindrical, and elipsoidal electric charge superficial distributions at rotation”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 182–0, Jan. 2003.