Optical tomography of phase objects with parallel projection differences and ESPI


  • C. Meneses-Fabian
  • G. Rodríguez-Zurita
  • J.F. Vázquez-Castillo


Tomography, speckle, interferometry, phase shifting, image reconstruction


This paper describes a technique that obtains border-enhanced tomographic images of a slice belonging to a phase object. This is obtained experimentally by means of the sequential storage of differences of parallel projections from two adjacent angular positions of the object and with appropriate techniques for their reconstruction. An ESPI (Electronics Speckle Pattern Interferometry) system is used in a Mach-Zenhder configuration to obtain data. Computer simulations are shown as well as experimental results.




How to Cite

C. Meneses-Fabian, G. Rodríguez-Zurita, and J. Vázquez-Castillo, “Optical tomography of phase objects with parallel projection differences and ESPI”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 251–0, Jan. 2003.