Spectral and thermodynamical properties of systems with noncanonical commutation rules: semiclassical approach


  • J.C. Flores
  • S. Montecinos


Quantum statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, semiclassical theories, thermodynamics


We study different quantum one dimensional systems with noncanonical commutation rule $[x,p]=i\hbar (1+sH),$ where $H$ is the one particle Hamiltonian and $s$ a parameter. This is carried-out using semiclassical arguments and the surmise $\hbar \rightarrow \hbar (1+sE),$ where $E$ is the energy. We compute the spectrum of the potential box, the harmonic oscillator, and a more general power-law potential $\left| x\right| ^{\nu }$. With the above surmise, and changing the size of the elementary cell in the phase space, we obtain an expression for the partition function of these systems. We calculate the first order correction in $s$ for the internal energy and heat capacity. We apply our technique to the ideal gas, the phonon gas, and to $N$ non-interacting particles with external potential like $\left| x\right| ^{\nu }$.




How to Cite

J. Flores and S. Montecinos, “Spectral and thermodynamical properties of systems with noncanonical commutation rules: semiclassical approach”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 221–0, Jan. 2004.