An all-optical 4-bit register based on a four-order scattering of light by coherent acoustic phonons in single crystals


  • A.S. Shcherbakov
  • E. Tepichin Rodriguez
  • A. Aguirre Lopez


All-optical switching, logic-based data processing, acousto-optical device


A specific case of a four-order non-collinear light scattering in anisotropic media is presented. Compared to our previous studies, an innovation lies in the fact that now we consider passing just the quartet of incident light waves through a single crystal that is perturbed by a coherent stream of acoustic phonons. The exact and closed analytical model for describing this strongly nonlinear phenomenon is developed. In fact, a specially designed regime of a four-order light scattering, when transitions of four input light beams into four output light modes are allowed and electronically controlled, is examined. The feasibility of applying such an effect to perform an all-optical switching is analyzed. An opportunity for arranging the digital 4-bit register is revealed and algorithmically analyzed.




How to Cite

A. Shcherbakov, E. Tepichin Rodriguez, and A. Aguirre Lopez, “An all-optical 4-bit register based on a four-order scattering of light by coherent acoustic phonons in single crystals”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 297–0, Jan. 2004.