Two stream approximation to radiative transfer equation: An alternative method of solution


  • J.I. Jiménez-Aquino
  • J.R. Varela


upward flux, downward flux


An alternative analytical method of solution to radiative transfer equation in the two-stream approximation is studied. The method is formulated in terms of the diffusion-type equation for radiative transfer associated with the fluxes ( irradiances) $F_{d}=F^{+}-F^{-}$ and $F_{s}=F^{+}+F^{-}$, where $F^{+}$ and $F^{-}$ are defined as the upward and downward fluxes respectively. The diffusion-type equations are independent and therefore the method of solution is algebraically easier and faster than that used to solve the two coupled differential equations associated with $F^{+}$ and $F^{-}$.




How to Cite

J. Jiménez-Aquino and J. Varela, “Two stream approximation to radiative transfer equation: An alternative method of solution”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 82–0, Jan. 2005.