Autodifracción vectorial de dos ondas degeneradas en medios con efecto Kerr óptico


  • C. Torres-Torres
  • A.V. Khomenko


Nonlinear optics, optical Kerr effect


Theoretical and experimental analyses of degenerated two-wave interaction in media possessing the optical Kerr effect are presented. A simple method for the investigation of physical mechanism of optical nonlinearity based on the two-wave self-diffraction is proposed. It has been demonstrated theoretically and experimentally that the interference of two waves with orthogonal polarizations in the nonlinear Kerr media results in a diffraction grating, which provokes the light self-diffraction.




How to Cite

C. Torres-Torres and A. Khomenko, “Autodifracción vectorial de dos ondas degeneradas en medios con efecto Kerr óptico”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 162–0, Jan. 2005.