Production of $W^{\mp}$ with an anomalous magnetic moment via the collision of an ultrahigh-energy (anti)neutrino on a target nucleon


  • R.M. García-Hidalgo
  • A. Rosado


Heavy boson production, ultra-energy neutrinos, neutrino nucleon scattering


We discuss the production of $W^{\mp}$ bosons in deep inelastic processes $(\bar{\nu}_l)\nu_l + {\cal N} \rightarrow l^{\pm} + W^{\mp} + X$ (${\cal N}$: $P$ proton, $N$ neutron), in the context of an electroweak model, in which the vector boson self interactions may be different from those prescribed by the electroweak standard model. We present results which show the strong dependence of the cross section on the anomalous magnetic dipole moment $\kappa$ of the $W^{\pm}$. We show that even small deviations from the standard model value of $\kappa$ $(\kappa =1)$ could imply large deviations in the cross section rates of $W^{\mp}$ production through the collision of an ultrahigh energy (anti)neutrino on a target nucleon. However, the enhancement of the cross section rates is not large enough to be detectable.




How to Cite

R. García-Hidalgo and A. Rosado, “Production of $W^{\mp}$ with an anomalous magnetic moment via the collision of an ultrahigh-energy (anti)neutrino on a target nucleon”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 203–0, Jan. 2005.