Desarrollo de un campo de fuerzas de mecánica molecular para la interacción de Na$^{ + }$ con agua


  • A. Deriabina
  • J.O. Ledesma
  • E. González
  • J.N. Herrera
  • V. Poltev


Potential functions, ion-water interactions, molecular mecanics, HF, MP2


Molecular Mechanics potential functions of 1-6-12 type have been proposed to describe sodium ion -- water interactions. The coefficients of the potential functions are adjusted to reproduce both ab-initio quantum mechanics data for Na$^{ + }$- (H$_{2}$O)$_{n}$ clusters (n varying from 1 to 6) and experimental data permitting evaluate differential enthalpies of these cluster formations at 0K. The 6-12 part of Na$^{ + }$\ldots O potential has the values of 2.569{\AA} and 1.8 kcal/mol for the equilibrium distance and depth of energy well respectively.




How to Cite

A. Deriabina, J. Ledesma, E. González, J. Herrera, and V. Poltev, “Desarrollo de un campo de fuerzas de mecánica molecular para la interacción de Na$^{ + }$ con agua”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 74–0, Jan. 2006.