Doughnut shape atom traps with arbitrary inclination


  • R. Rodríguez
  • Masegosa.
  • H. Mo
  • a-Cessa.
  • S. Chávez-Cerda


Atom traps, atom cooling, Bose Einstein condensates, atom guides, magneto-optical traps, radiation pressure, orbital angular moment


Since the invention of magneto-optical trap (MOT), there have been several experimental and theoretical studies of the density distribution in these devices. To the best of our knowledge, only horizontal orbital traps have been observed, perpendicular to the coil axis. In this work we report the observation of distributions of trapped atoms in pure circular orbits without a nucleus whose orbital plane is tilted up to $90^{\circ }$ with respect to the horizontal plane. We have used a stabilized time phase optical array in our experiments and conventional equipment used for~MOT.




How to Cite

R. Rodríguez, Masegosa., H. Mo, a-Cessa., and S. Chávez-Cerda, “Doughnut shape atom traps with arbitrary inclination”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 80–0, Jan. 2006.