Magnetic properties of Fe nanoclusters: \pmb{<span style="font-style:italic"> ab initio</span>} calculations of Fe$\pmb{_{N}}$, N = 9, 15, 27, 51, and 59


  • G. López Laurrabaquio
  • M. Pérez Alvarez
  • J.M. Montejano-Carrizales
  • F. Aguilera-Granja
  • J.L. Morán-López


Magnetic nanostructures, magnetic properties, {\it ab initio} calculations


The magnetic properties of iron clusters (Fe$_{N}$, $N=9$, 15, 27, 51, and 59 atoms) at $T= 0$~K with bcc-like structure and bulk parameters are studied using ab initio methods. In these studies we consider the spin-orbit coupling and applied external magnetic fields. The basis set includes wave functions of the s, p, d, and f valence electrons. An analysis of the spin and orbital magnetic moments for every shell of the different cluster sizes is performed. The results obtained in the present work agree with other results reported in the literature and call for additional experiments.




How to Cite

G. López Laurrabaquio, M. Pérez Alvarez, J. Montejano-Carrizales, F. Aguilera-Granja, and J. Morán-López, “Magnetic properties of Fe nanoclusters: \pmb{<span style=‘font-style:italic’> ab initio</span>} calculations of Fe$\pmb{_{N}}$, N = 9, 15, 27, 51, and 59”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 329–0, Jan. 2006.