Comparison of solutions to the Thomas-Fermi equation by a direct method and variational calculus


  • D. Sierra-Porta
  • M. Chirinos
  • J. Stock


Thomas-Fermi equation, approximate solution, variational calculus


In this paper we perform a comparison between two solutions of the Thomas-Fermi equation. One of these solutions is the one recently found by Bougoffa (2014) which makes use of a direct method to solve the differential equation. The other solution found uses a variational method. The first method uses approximations of the residual conditions after assuming a trial function, inspired by the Sommerfeld solution. Our solution does not require approximations and we found that it reproduces more conveniently the corresponding numerical solution in terms of relative error.




How to Cite

D. Sierra-Porta, M. Chirinos, and J. Stock, “Comparison of solutions to the Thomas-Fermi equation by a direct method and variational calculus”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 63, no. 4 Jul-Aug, pp. 333–0, Jan. 2017.