Low-complexity chaotic encryption system


  • R. Hasimoto-Beltrán


Discrete chaotic encryption, block ciphers, symmetric encryption


Secure multimedia communication presents new challenges that are difficult to handle using by currently adopted encryption schemes (RSA---Rivest-Shamir-Adelman, AES---Advanced Encryption Standard, and IDEA---International Data Encryption algorithm) [28]. It requires the processing of huge amounts of information at speeds ranging from Kilobits/sec (Kbs) to the order of Megabits/sec (Mbs). With this in mind, we propose a secure low-complexity encryption system based on a 4-array of independently iterated chaotic logistic maps with a new Spatiotemporal feedback scheme as a diffusion process. The robustness of the system to opponents' attack is enhanced by using a periodic three-level pseudo-random perturbation scheme, one at the system-key level and two at the map array level. An analysis of the proposed scheme regarding its vulnerability to attacks, statistical properties and implementation performance is presented. To the best of our knowledge we provide a simple and secure encryption system for real-time multimedia communications with the fastest software execution time reported in the literature.




How to Cite

R. Hasimoto-Beltrán, “Low-complexity chaotic encryption system”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 58–0, Jan. 2007.