Experimental modeling of algorithms and components for all-optical high-bit-rate digital processors-multipliers using light bullets


  • A.S. Shcherbakov
  • A.Aguirre Lopez.


Spatio-temporal soliton, light bullet, all-optical digital multiplication, non-collinear second harmonic generation


We present both the estimations of main parameters and the experimental data related to the modeling of algorithms and components for all-optical digital processors-multipliers, exploiting the spatio-temporal optical solitons or light bullets as bit carriers. The modern approach, based on the concept of arranging light beams in space and time using the regime of spatio-temporal solitons is examined from the viewpoint of arresting the collapse of light bullets in a graded-index self-defocusing medium with normal group-velocity dispersion. To perform all-optical computations, the beams of picosecond optical pulses, whose parameters were in one to one coincidence with previously estimated light bullets, have been shaped and employed. Two all-optical algorithms for binary data multiplication in a mixed binary format as well as the corresponding components are designed and experimentally tested with an array of non-collinear second-harmonic generation based optical AND-gates arranged in a square-law optically nonlinear medium.




How to Cite

A. Shcherbakov and A.Aguirre Lopez., “Experimental modeling of algorithms and components for all-optical high-bit-rate digital processors-multipliers using light bullets”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 96–0, Jan. 2007.