Construction and validation of a non-conventional elliptical zone plate that generates auto-images singular optical fields


  • S.E. Balderas-Mata
  • J.E. Gómez-Correa
  • J. Medina-Márquez


Zone plate, non-conventional zone plate, diffraction, common evolute


The aim of this work is to construct an optical element which has the property of having a family of curves that possesses the same evolute and common parallel. Also, the family of curves must be replicated as in a conventional zone plate, which by definition has a circular geometry. The zone plate to be generated will be called non-conventional due to the fact that it does not have circular geometry. The focalization properties of this plate are explained from the rays associated with a spherical wavefront emitted by each point of the transmittance, i.e., the parallel curves evolution by diffraction effects along the propagation axis, which replicate themselves when the constructive interference exists due to the contribution of the different rings of the plate.




How to Cite

S. Balderas-Mata, J. Gómez-Correa, and J. Medina-Márquez, “Construction and validation of a non-conventional elliptical zone plate that generates auto-images singular optical fields”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 63, no. 4 Jul-Aug, pp. 356–0, Jan. 2017.