Two techniques for generating a secondary electromagnetic source with desired statistical properties


  • A.S. Ostrovsk
  • M.A. Olvera-Santamaría
  • C. Rickenstorff-Parrao
  • G. Martínez-Niconoff
  • V. Arrizón
  • .


Cross-spectral density matrix, degree of coherence, degree of polarization


Two alternative techniques for generating a secondary electromagnetic source with the desired degree of polarization and transverse coherence length are considered and compared. The first technique is based on the changes of coherence and polarization in propagation, while the second one makes use of the coherence and polarization modulation by a random phase screen. The dependence of the results on the employed definition of electromagnetic coherence is discussed.




How to Cite

A. Ostrovsk, M. Olvera-Santamaría, C. Rickenstorff-Parrao, G. Martínez-Niconoff, V. Arrizón, and ., “Two techniques for generating a secondary electromagnetic source with desired statistical properties”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 153–0, Jan. 2009.