The three dynamical fates of Boson Stars


  • F.S. Guzmán


Boson systems, numerical relativity, self-gravitating systems


In this manuscript the three types of late-time behavior of spherically symmetric Boson Stars are presented, namely: stable configurations, unstable bounded that collapse and form black holes and unstable unbounded that explode. These three possibilities have been predicted by perturbation theory and other analytical results, whereas the full non-linear evolution of Boson Star configurations has verified the stable and unstable bounded cases using numerical relativity. In this paper also the unbounded case is confirmed to happen. In order to do so, Boson Star solutions are used as initial data of the Einstein-Klein-Gordon system of equations formulated as a constrained initial value problem, which in turn is solved using the finite differences approximation.




How to Cite

F. Guzmán, “The three dynamical fates of Boson Stars”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 321–0, Jan. 2009.